
My art desk is representative of my life right now. Full time school. Full time hours. Full time art and markets. Often it feels like there aren’t enough hours for it all. Some days it feels absolutely overwhelming.

But then it only takes a moment for me to step back and realize how fortunate I am. And how much I love this crazy life I have decided to take on.

The experiences. The people. The support. The adventure. The love.

Today someone bought one of my paintings to hang on the wall of the nursery for their soon to be newborn. Someone not only thought I had created something beautiful, but important enough to be shared with a brand new life every day.

I played it cool, but there is nothing cool about the amount of feels I had in that moment, and continue to have as I look at my weeks work. Feeling exhausted, but happy.

And thankful.


Hum of Hope


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